My Fury Warrior, Wulfguard is only level 28. As of this moment. He's a human. But don't hold that against him. It's not his fault his parents were shaved apes. I was going to go with the whole Arms Warrior deal at first. Swinging a huge ass 2-handed weapon. Making people shit themselves when he drew forth his huge weapon of death and dismemberment. But instead I chose to go with the weapon in each hand fighting style. Why? Not sure. Usually I'd go with the 2-hander. I figure I'll dual him as an Arms. I'm no tank. I don't want to be a tank. I have tried to be a tank and found it to be dull. Press the same buttons over and over just to make sure the big nasties keep beating my ass, all the while hoping the healer keeps healing me. Being told to pull more at once, and then after we wipe being told I pulled too many. Make up my mind people!
For his Profs I chose Mining - always a good one to make some coin with. And Jewelcrafting - cricket cricket cricket... why?? I have no idea why I chose Jewelcraft. I'm still low enough on the skill that I could change it. I might. Maybe Blacksmithing. Or maybe I'll go with another gathering prof just to sell everything in the AH. Skinning. Or Tailoring. Easy to gather cloth from people I kill and make some bags and all the crap for squishies. I really need to make up my mind though.
One thing I have noticed about playing a warrior is this - man they have a lot of shit to put on the action bars! How do level 85 warriors keep all that shit in order? Where do they fit it all? I'm already picking through my abilities trying to figure out where to shove the crap. And I'm at 28!
Oh well. I'll figure it out.
But back tot he game. I'm going to go get him the Singing Sunflower vanity pet. I love that thing!
Azlaeth the Hunter
(aka - Wulfguard the Warrior)
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