Sunday, June 5, 2011

Azlaeth and Eronous. Yes, for now I am using a gun. I am trying to get a bow or crossbow. Call me old fashioned, but in a game with magic and knights, having guns is just kind of silly. I only use it because it was the best thing for DPS I could get. But like I said, working on a bow or corssbow to take its place. Anyone who knows me knows I like wolves. A LOT! I love wolves. Have since I was a kid. Why I have 6 wolves tames, and I went for the spirit beast that looks like a big nasty wolf. I'm just pissed I can't get a wolf mount as Alliance. Stinky orc bastards!
And as you see, Azlaeth now has crabs. I wonder if it would be a Druid or Priest spell to get rid of them? LoL.
And on that note I am going to bed. Goodnight all.
Azlaeth the Hunter

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