Sunday, June 5, 2011


Watching Kelly's Heroes while I grind for rep. Fun fun. Kelly's Heroes has got to be one of the best movies ever. It's one of my favorites. Kelly's Heroes, Blazing Saddles, Army of Darkness, The Hangover, Lord of the Rings trilogy, Harry Potter movies, and The Shawshank Redemption. Some of my all time favorite movies. Books... I've read too many to list. Seriously. I read Hobbit and LOTR when I was in 2nd and 3rd grade. Since then I've read easily over 1000 novels. And I am not going to list them all. No way.
OK. Tonight's WoW experience was dull. Grinding for Rep. Seems like that's all I do lately. I'm doing the rep for Cata and WotLK first. Then I'll do Vanilla. Last I will do BC. I just really don't like BC at all. If I had to choose one zone in Outland to be my favorite, or the one I can tolerate the most, it would be either Nagrand or Shadowmoon Valley. Nagrand is visually nice. Green and friendly looking. While Shadowmoon Valley is a wasteland of terror. Great place to farm for just about anything.
At this time I'm also forcing myself to keep my eyes open. I put on a new pain-killer patch today and that always makes me want to pass out. It's the only high I get to enjoy. So every 3 days I put on a new patch and I get to feel funky. Oh yeah.
Tuesday (June 7th) is my birthday. I'm going from 35 to 36. Yeah, I'm old. But I don't like to act it. Not in denial. I just don't want to be a stuffy adult. I still like to color with Crayons and shoot Nerf guns with my son. I tried to get him into WoW, and he liked it for maybe 5 minutes. But then he realized there's a lot more to it then Wii, Xbox or PS3 games. Maybe when he's a bit older we'll try again. But then again he's already a video game junky. Maybe I shouldn't add yet another one to the list. And we all know how time consuming WoW can be. Playing for days on end. Thinking it's still Friday night when actually it is now Sunday afternoon. LoL.
But I think my birthday gift to myself will be that Winged Guardian mount. Tonight I got one of the mammoths from the Sons of Hodir. Not the big expensive one, the cheaper one. I still have to rep up for the big one. Also trying to get exalted with the walrus dudes so I can get the penguin. Penguins are cool! And I am slowly doing the dailies for rep with Baradin's Wardens. The have some mounts and weapons I'm interested in.
Talking about weapons... and armor. Ran some randoms last night and I was just annoyed. Everyone but me was disenchanting the blue drops. And the blues were good for agility (hell, hunter here!) and I was trying to be nice and not needing everything, though I did need it since it was better then my gear. So I rolled greed. And lost Every Damn Time! Pissed me off! Next time, fuck it. I am needing it. If they call me ninja I'll point out it's agility/stamina gear. Hunter gear. I'm a hunter. If they don't like it, they can kick me. Fuck them. I'm tired of being the nice guy in randoms and coming out with bags full of junk! And since I'm not in a big guild I can't ask my guildies to help run me through. Sometimes I consider the whole guild thing. I use mine mainly as extra storage. I should keep my bank toon in as GM and move my main and alts to another guild. One with actual people in it who play. My friend is in a big guild. I just don't want to join and be pushed to the back of the list every time since I'm the new guy. I had that happen way back. Why I'm hesitant about joining another guild of big bad ass 85 elites. Has anyone else had the bad guild experience?
Well, I think I am done for the night. My eyes want to close and Kelly's Heroes has like 5 minutes left. Sleep, and then start the whole process over again.
Let us know what was your worse guild experience, and your best guild experience. We need some positive to equal out the negative. You don't have to list the name of the guild, if you don't want to.
And my last thought tonight is that show Toddlers & Tiaras is disgusting. Those mothers should be shot. That sort of shit pisses me off.
OK, goodnight all. Happy hunting. Or tanking. Or healing. Or whatever you do.
Azlaeth the Hunter

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