Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Using iPod touch so bare with me

Tonight I was in long enough to get my LW up a few points. RL got in the way of WoW. Don't you hate that? So discouraged I have decided to go to bed. Tomorrow is another day. Of course it is also maintenance day. That part is a pain in the arse. I'm just still a bit in shock that I have reached 85. I know, big deal. But for me it us a big deal. I get bored very easily. Why I have yet to take over the world, finished writing a novel (I have started several), or gotten my degree for computers. I know saying degree in computers is vague. I'm at that point where I could take the degree in several directions. From web design, web development, data security... Blah blah blah what the hells does all that have to do with WoW! Rewind and back to the subject I originally intended. As you can see my mind wonders. I have a genius IQ. No, I am not boasting. I hate it! My brain never shuts off! I am an insomniac. I have anxiety issues. I have depression issues because I see things, figure out thing, and over analyze every aspect of my life! Drives most of my friends crazy! And pisses off girlfriends because I always figure out when they are not being truthful. Again I have derailed. Having these issues and ADD makes it difficult for me to stay with one thing long. I have been playing WoW for almost 2 years. My hunter is finally capped. I have a 77 paladin. 57 feral Druid. I have made and deleted countless toons. Warlocks, warriors, DKs, mages, few shamans and couple rogues. Nope I have not done the priest thing. Some toons have hit into the 60's and been deleted because I became bored with them. Not a good thing. And since the iPod is giving me troubles I am going to end this blog here and try another one.

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