Monday, May 30, 2011

First time

Not going to be a long one. Just going to say Hello! I am Azlaeth. No, it is not my real name, but it is the name of my World of Warcraft toon. OK, like most people I have several toons, but Azlaeth is my number one. He is a night elf, hunter. I know, Alliance! Sorry. I'm not one for the Horde. I don't feel like being a fugly Orc. A tusked tooth Troll. A walking hamburger Tauren. A stinky walking corpse Forsaken. A pretty boy (gay) Blood Elf. Nor the newest member to the Horde, a  short annoying little booger with feet Goblin.
OK, so it's just fair I talk a little about Alliance races. Humans. We are human, so playing one is kind of boring. Or at least I try to be human. I fail at that quite a bit. Moving on. Night Elf, yeah we got big ears and we like to hug trees, but we're taller. Dwarves. Short, stubborn, bearded. I like dwarves, but I just can't bring myself to play one. Gnomes. Gnomes too me are a toss away toon at best. Yeah, it's funny to make a Gnome warrior or death knight. But really... a Gnome? Space Goats! I know that's not what they are really called but since Burning Crusade is/was/shall ever be the biggest fail from Blizzard for WoW I refuse to use their name. Plus I always forget how the damn thing is spelled. I will have to say though that the Space Goat females are hot. Something about the horns and tail. Oh yeah. I'd let a Space Goat girl pull my hair. Errr.... nothin. Worgen. Worgen are cool. I have yet to make one. Which is weird since I've been into wolves since I was a kid. (I'm not telling my age but I was around for He-Man, GI Joe and Transformers BEFORE Robot CHicken.) One day I shall play a Worgen. BUT I will have a mount since their lack of mount/making them run everywhere is the DUMBEST thing a DEV could have thought of. Morons.
I am done now. Yeah, not long at all. So if you are ever on Llane, and yes it is PvE since I get tired of getting my corpse camped while I try to farm or complete a quest. PvP is fun, but not all the damn time. So, if you are ever on Llane, say hello. I'm on probably more then I should be. In real life I'm going through some health issues and I am stuck home unless going to the doctors. Fun fun. So I play WoW. If it wasn't for WoW I'd have gone flipping crazy by now. I'm a mad man. But not crazy... Not yet.
Have a good one.
Azlaeth the Hunter

PS_follow me on Twitter if you want. Or not.

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