Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Second attempt. 3rd blog.

Back to business. So Azlaeth the Hunter is 85! And my rarest pet is Skoll. I love wolves. And a spirit beast wolf is my kind of pet. And yes, I have been a BM hunter from day one. Back when you didn't start with a pet. Back when you had to learn to tame one and then how to control it. Back when things were not as simple for a level 1-10. I like to be challenged. Sad to say a great deal of the game has list the challenge. Levelli g a new toon is easy. It feels like I'm using a god code or something like that. Making the game cater to people who just want to level fast just to get to raiding levels is a dumb idea! And catering to the elite players who play WoW like it is their job is also not the best idea. What about the normal players? The ones who work, have kids, have life? They get crapped on? Bad Dev! No cookie for you! Blizzard, you also nerfed Stitches! WTF! Who remembers grouping in Duskwood just to hunt down Stitches when he was a bad ass elite killing machine? And now they make a quest where you kill him solo! SOLO!!!??? Nerfing the nostalgia out of the game is wrong! And don't get me started on the nerfing of the plaguelands... Bad bad bad. Again I have gone off the rails. So I am 85. One toon in almost two years. Sad but true. Hells, I spend days just fishing or running low level quests. Grinding rep with gnomes before the tabards. Skinning every living beast in an entire zone. And then hopping on another toon because I saw someone else using that class and I thought "oh yeah I have a Mage too!" dam. iPod messing up again. If I wasn't so damn lazy I'd go grab my laptop! To be continued.....

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